Thursday, December 24, 2020

Being a Dad: Surviving Christmas (The Santa Claus)

Hello and Welcome Home,

We all know about this guy, don’t we? Being a dad who survives Christmas must have something to do with him.

There is really no way to avoid at least mentioning the story here. 

Today, there is an unlimited amount of ways this symbol is recognized. We all know the original loved giving to others. 

We also know of his loving and compassionate heart as well. His story stems from a man’s willingness to put the care of others before that of himself.

You know there are opportunities each and every day for us to do the same in our own lives. We spend so much time thinking about the things we worry about that we forget that pain is all around us.

While it is important to work through our own problems, they often take over our lives. The world is broken and our children see it every day. They also see more of our struggles that we really know as well.

In the midst of our struggles, we can find solitude in helping one another overcome these struggles.

We can set the example through being a dad that shows our children how we overcome our struggles and how we can help others do the same.

Living by Faith, With my Family,

M. E

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