Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Special Christmas

Hello and Welcome Home!

My eldest child absolutely loves Christmas! Some of her favorite things are in a book we wrote together, but this chapter is my favorite so I wanted to share...

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Being a Dad: Holiday Joys?

Hello and Welcome Home!

Being a Dad during the holidays can be stressful. There are many things that come into play. Questions that we, as dads, have to answer for ourselves, and for our loved ones, weigh on our hearts and minds. What should we get for those that we care about? How much time do we actually need to take off, if we can? Where should we spend the holidays, here, there, or somewhere else?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Being a Dad: Breaking Through Distractions

Hello and Welcome Home!

My Oh My, I've been slacking off, haven't I? Life has been a bit distracting lately and sometimes time just gets away from us. Being a dad though, comes with learning the ability to push those distractions out. It's hard to know when a distraction is getting the best of you, isn't it? I mean that's really the purpose of distractions right, they distract.  

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Being a Dad: Life Lessons or Memoirs

Hello and Welcome Home!

Being a Dad presents many interesting opportunities in life. Some are usually really fun and others, well, let's just say, could be left out of our memoirs. Every opportunity, whether we put it in our memoirs or not can be a teachable opportunity. I get it, your thinking, this sounds familiar.    It may well indeed, but I write what I'm learning, and well, I'm learning every day.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Being a Dad: Worship Songs: "WayMaker"

I don't have a post this week but I thought this song would be good to share.  Post your thoughts on the lyrics below.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Being A Dad: At Work? Really?

Hello and Welcome Home!

Do you ever wonder if your daily routine at work can help make being a dad any easier? Have you ever wondered if your work life can teach you things about your family life? I know it seems illogical, but sometimes wondering about these things can impact your family life in ways you may not even realize.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Being A Teachable Dad: What about Me?

Hello and Welcome Home!

Have you ever been driving down the road, laying in bed, or in the shower and had wandering thoughts? I know it sounds cheesy and maybe kind of creepy, but I mean like Serious. Wandering. Life-Changing Thoughts.  They do happen and are all part of being a teachable dad. These thoughts really make you STOP. DROP. and WANT TO ROLL. Well, not really, but they could...

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Being a Teachable Dad: Bearing Burdens. Your Own, or Others?

Hello and Welcome Home!

One of the biggest things that have surfaced in this last year of being a dad has been, well, actually something more to do with my marriage.  My wife and I will have been married for 9 years next month, and while I accidentally told everyone it was the big two-digit anniversary; I have come to understand that our 9 year anniversary is its own special milestone. Its been a very eventful year. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Being A Teachable Dad: Accepting You Make Mistakes Too!

Hello and Welcome Home! 

So, I struggle with accepting my mistakes. Yep, I said it. 

It's out in the open, I have failed as a father and as a believer.  My mistakes have cursed me for life and being a dad will never be the same again.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Being A Dad: Learning to be A Teachable Dad

Hello and Welcome Home!

It has been way too long since I've last posted on this blog and I really been to get back into it I have learned much about being a dad since my last posting and am learning more with every passing moment. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Being a Dad when your WHOLE FAMILY, is down for the count.

Hello and Welcome Home!

Elliott Family, Christmas 2018!
Have you ever battled with what to do when your family is down for the count, on the edge of the deep dark world of getting over being sick? Let me tell you, it's a battle for me every time. Being sick myself, it's no big deal. I will go to work if it's not contagious or if I believe I need the money. Subconsciously, I don't really care about my own well being, but being a dad and a husband, it's another thing altogether.