Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Being a Dad: Breaking Through Distractions

Hello and Welcome Home!

My Oh My, I've been slacking off, haven't I? Life has been a bit distracting lately and sometimes time just gets away from us. Being a dad though, comes with learning the ability to push those distractions out. It's hard to know when a distraction is getting the best of you, isn't it? I mean that's really the purpose of distractions right, they distract.  

I am a prime example, I've been trying to write this post for weeks and for whatever reason distractions have made it seemingly impossible.  Having something to write about is one thing, but actually writing it is something entirely different. We have goals and semi-planned out events in our lives and often something comes along and throws something in our path that encourages us to go another route. 

Whether it be in a job situation, a church situation, a family situation or pretty much any sort of situation. Those things come along and poof, those plans are out the window, for a season anyway. It stinks because if you are anything like me, those plans I made were strategically put together in an effort to make whatever was planned the best experience ever for everyone. Alas, it must not have been meant to be.

Sometimes being a dad insists being able to throw our strategic masterpiece of a plan out the window and forcing ourselves to take an unwanted path, one that is unknown to us, or even one that we do know but really don't want to take it. Let's be honest, distractions really stink at times. Wait, did I actually just write that? Is that really true? Are distractions really that bad? Ooh, its time for a snack, LOL. 


I've come to a realization, regardless of my really awesome, wonderful, family fantastical plans, It's really not always about that. Yes, we all know distractions aren't pleasant at first, but they do have their place. Sometimes distractions keep us from doing things we know we will regret down the road. Sometimes distractions lead us down a better path that Us dads would never really think about. Sometimes those distractions that we really don't like can give us memorable opportunities with our children or our spouses. 

I'm working on teaching myself to go with the flow more when it comes to being a dad. I don't really know if it's going to work out the way I plan, but that's what this post is really about. It's about living in the moment, it's about letting someone else lead me down the path that I am meant to journey on. It may not end up being the journey I imagine it to me, but I'm sure, just as you should be, it will lead me to where I'm meant to me. 

I know distractions often come across as some of the worst things in the world we have to deal with as dads at times but they can also lead us into a brighter future. That is not to say that being a dad will always offer us distractions that lead down joyous paths of righteousness, the reality is they can lead us astray, if we let them.

Living by Faith, with our Family; 


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