Monday, September 16, 2019

Being A Teachable Dad: What about Me?

Hello and Welcome Home!

Have you ever been driving down the road, laying in bed, or in the shower and had wandering thoughts? I know it sounds cheesy and maybe kind of creepy, but I mean like Serious. Wandering. Life-Changing Thoughts.  They do happen and are all part of being a teachable dad. These thoughts really make you STOP. DROP. and WANT TO ROLL. Well, not really, but they could...

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Being a Teachable Dad: Bearing Burdens. Your Own, or Others?

Hello and Welcome Home!

One of the biggest things that have surfaced in this last year of being a dad has been, well, actually something more to do with my marriage.  My wife and I will have been married for 9 years next month, and while I accidentally told everyone it was the big two-digit anniversary; I have come to understand that our 9 year anniversary is its own special milestone. Its been a very eventful year.